What to do when you only have 2 days in Memphis
A few years ago I went backpacking around The US. Out of all the cities I visited the place that left a lasting impression was Memphis. I am now planning another trip to the US and I cannot stop thinking of this little gem of a city. It is an inspiring city was a lot of history and a lot of things to see and do. So what do you do when you only have 2 days in Memphis? Well read on.
2 days in Memphis – First stop Graceland

So for me the first thing I had to do when arriving in Memphis was to visit Graceland. Graceland is of course the mansion that Elvis lived in and tragically died in, in 1977. The mansion has since been turned into an Elvis museum. You can tour the ground floor of the mansion, which showcases some pretty crazy furnishings and designs. Highlights include the pool room which is pictured above, with its brightly coloured fabric wallpaper you kind of just want to sit down with a glass of whisky and play some pool. Unfortunately there is a huge please do not touch sign that ruins any plans you might have of doing so. Still on to the next room I suppose.
On to The Peabody

There is actually a hotel in Memphis, The Peabody, that has a suite designed especially for the resident ducks. Each day alongside the hotel Duckmaster (yes this is a real thing!) the ducks march down from the Royal Suite to take a swim in the hotel lobby.

Get lost in the musical history of the city
Memphis is a music lovers delight. Apart from Elvis, Memphis is also famed for its Blues music, and the home of this is Beale Street. Here you can also chow down on some amazing food- think lots of pulled pork and slaw. The BB King Blues club is one of my favourite live music venues, and the whole of Beale Street really is an incredible experience.

Learn about the incredible history
There is a lot of history in this city. Memphis is home to the National Civil Rights museum which is built around the former Lorraine Motel. This is the motel where Martin Luther King was assassinated in 1968. It is a fascinating museum and a real piece of history.One thing I should add though is that the museum is closed every Tuesday. If I had of looked into this in advance I would have planned my trip accordingly but alas it was not meant to be.
Explore the quirky shops
There is a store in Memphis called A. Schwabs located on Beale street whose motto is “If you can’t find it at Schwabs, you’re better off without it”. It basically sells every quirky little trinket that you can think of. I even managed to buy my Mum a cookbook specialising in peanut butter and banana sandwiches.
So for anyone thinking about travelling around the States don’t forget about Memphis. Its quirky, it has a lot of history, and it really can show you a lot of love.
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