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The most Instagrammable places in London and how to get to each one

London has to be one of the most exciting cities in the world. With so much to see and do it also means there is so much to photograph. London truly is an Instagrammer’s dream. Finding good photography spots in London is easy. For starters, there is the fantastic architecture, the colourful shops, and don’t even get us started on the food! But London is also a big city and it can be hard finding where to start. And so we have put together this guide to some of the most Instagrammable places in London.

Instagrammable places in London

Here is our guide to the most Instagram worthy places in London. 

Westminster and Big Ben

If you are wondering where to start when searching for good photography spots in London, then why not head to Westminster. You will need to get the Tube to Westminster Station and take the exit for the Houses of Parliament. One of the best photos can be taken looking up at Big Ben as soon as you leave the station.

You then need to make your way over Westminster Bridge to get some of the best shots of the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben.

After you cross the bridge away from the Houses of Parliament on your right hand side you will find a set of stairs. These stairs lead to an underground section which is perfect for framing pictures of Big Ben. It can get pretty busy though so it might take time to get that shot without people in it. I’ve seen this picture on social media a lot so it is for sure one of the most instagrammable places in London. 

Getting here

The closest tube station is Westminster. As you exit the station you will be greeted by the towering presence of Big Ben. It is then a short walk to Westminster bridge and some fabulous views of the Houses of Parliament.

St Pauls Cathedral

One of the best Instagram spots in London has to be at the One New Change Building located just across from St Pauls Cathedral. If you find the Mango store you will also find a really cool photo opportunity, because you can snap the dome of St Paul’s Cathedral which is perfectly reflected in the glass corridor of the building. There is a marking on the floor as well that created the perfect leading line and draws you in to the gorgeous cathedral.

Whilst on the topic of St Pauls Cathedral, another really cool photo spot is from the Millennium Bridge. Although this one is probably better to photograph early in the morning because it can be really hard to get a great shot sans people!

Getting here

The closest station to St Pauls Cathedral is the aptly named St Pauls station on the Central line. Depending on what line you are on though there are a few other stations you could get off. For the central and district line get off at Mansion House and St Pauls is about a 5 minute walk from here.

Mews Houses

London streets are incredible, but if you get the chance to explore some of the side streets or mews then you will be handsomely rewarded in terms of Instagram likes. One the most instagrammable places in London has to be Warren Mews. The closest tube station is either Warren Street or Great Portland Street, depending on which line you are on.

Getting here

There are several places in London to get some quirky photos of mews houses. Shown in the picture is Warren Mews. The closest station is Great Portland Street followed by Warren Street station.

Peggy Porschen Cakes

One of the best Instagram spots in London has to be Peggy Porschen Cakes. The pink and floral doorway is a popular photo spot, so popular in fact that when we visited there were at least 3 photo shoots in progress. And on the plus side it is a great place to stop for tea and cake when searching for the most Instagrammable places in London, so there is that!

Getting here

The Peggy Porschen Cake shop in Belgravia is an Instagram favourite in London. To get here you will need to go to Victoria Station. From here it is about a 10 minute walk.


One of our favourite photo spots in London has to be Chelsea. Particularly when you stumble upon the back streets with those gorgeous pastel coloured homes. And for the record I desperately want the pink one!

Getting here

Byswater Street is one of the most colourful streets in Chelsea. In order to get here you will need to get the District Line to Sloane Square. It is then about a 10 minute walk to Byswater Street. The good thing is that Chelsea is so pretty that you will probably find a lot of beautiful spaces to photograph on the walk.

Leadenhall Market

Dating back to the 14th Century Leadenhall Market is a popular photo spot in London. Harry Potter fans might recognise it from the films, which is another reason why so many people flock here to take pictures.

Getting here

There are a couple of tube stations close to Leadenhall market, all depending on which tube line you are on. You can either get off at Bank or Monument. It is then only a short walk from either of these.

London phone boxes

London’s famous phone boxes make for some great photo opportunities in the city. One of the best though has to be near Westminster tube station. Here you can get a picture of a red phone box with Big Ben in the background. I have to admit that when we visited recently it wasn’t the best because Big Ben is currently undergoing renovation. But I still got this pretty cool photo with me and my Dad anyway.

Getting here

The classic London phone box shot with Big Ben in the background can be taken just by Westminster station.

Nunhead Cemetery

I know that it might sound weird having a cemetery in the list of best Instagram spots in London, but hear me out. Nunhead cemetery is absolutely beautiful. It is quite an old cemetery and a lot of the graves have been overgrown with plants. It is kind of a nice symbol of rebirth or at least for me anyway.

Another fantastic photo spot in the cemetery has to be right at the top where you can get an incredible shot of St Paul’s cathedral. Unfortunately I only had my iPhone with me at the time, so didn’t get the best shot, so I definitely recommend bringing a proper camera with you.

Getting here

Getting to Nunhead Cemetery requires using the overground. You will need to get on a train going to Nunhead, and the cemetery is a really short walk from the station.

St James’ Park

St James’ Park is located right next to Buckingham Palace and is one of the beautiful green spaces in London. The reason that we think it is one of the most Instagrammable places in London is because of the view you get when you stand on the Blue Bridge. From here, you can see the London Eye jutting out from the trees. It is a lovely juxtaposition between the calm and serene park and the built up, chaotic Westminster.

Getting here

The closest station is St James Park but the park is in walking distance from Charing Cross and Westminster station as well.

Piccadilly Circus

I know it is really touristy but I love the excitement of the flashing billboards at Piccadilly Circus. I think it is a great place to capture the vibrancy of London. You have ads flashing overhead and people in suits in a rush trying to make their next appointment. For me this encapsulates what it is like living in London.

Getting here

Get to the Tube to Piccadilly Circus. You can leave via any of the exits and you will find yourself amidst the hustle and bustle.

Tower Bridge

Another obvious choice I know but Tower Bridge is really photogenic. It is located right next to the Tower of London. You are best off catching the Tube to Tower Hill and walking over to the bridge from there. When you see the bridge up close, you realise how big and intricate it is. There are also some pretty amazing views from the bridge too, so it really is worth a visit.

Getting Here

Get the tube to Tower Hill and then walk past the Tower of London to the Bridge.


You never know what you are going to get when you hop off the Tube at Camden Town Station. It certainly is one of the most alternative areas of London. Camden is perfect if you want to listen to live music or nab a bargain at the markets. It is also one of the best Instagram Spots in London. When you walk down the street towards the locks, you will notice shops with quirky designs overhead. The locks themselves are also on the list for good photography spots in London as you can capture the canal boats as they float on by.

Getting here

If you are traveling to Camden, get the tube to Camden Town. Once you leave the station turn right and you are in the midst of all the hustle and bustle.

Milk Train

One of the most Instagrammable places in London when it comes to food has to be Milk Train. Located in Covent Garden you can purchase a pimped up ice-cream cone with a huge cloud of fairy floss surrounding it. They can be kind of hard to hold and because we took so many pictures mine started melting on my hand before I had even taken a bite. But the pictures looked kind of cool so you know it has to be done for the ‘gram’ right!

Getting here

Get the tube to Covent Garden Station. Milk Train is about a 3 minute walk from here.

Neal’s Yard

It was only after countless trips to London that we actually discovered this place. Hidden down a back lane in Covent Garden is the very colourful courtyard known as Neal’s Yard.

It is a really beautiful place to visit, and the first time we saw it we were so taken aback. How had this gorgeous courtyard been here the whole time and we missed it? Anyway it really is one of the best Instagram spots in London and you have to see it for yourself.

Getting here

Covent Garden is the best tube station to get off if you are going to Neals Yard. It is a short walk from here.

Churchhill Arms

Another London favourite among Instagrammers has to be the Churchill Arms. You will know you are in the right place once you see the baskets of flowers that decorate the pub. Spring is the best time to visit as all the flowers are in bloom. That being said they also go all out at Christmas as well. I am going to go out on a limb here and say that it is probably one of London’s prettiest pubs.

Getting here

The closest station is Notting Hill Gate. The pub is about a 4 minute walk from the station.

St Dunstan-in-the-East

So this is a location that not everyone who visits London knows about. It is a peaceful and well maintained garden and it really is perfect for taking photos. Here you will get to see the bombed ruins of a medieval church that are overrun by perfectly manicured wall climbers.  We stumbled upon about 3 different photo shoots taking place when we visited, which definitely says something about it making our list of most Instagrammable places in London.

Getting here

If you are wanting to visit this enchanted park in London then you should get off the tube at Monument station. It is then around a 5 minute walk from here.

The Natural History Museum

Possibly one of the most dramatic buildings in London, both on the inside and outside, is the Natural History Museum. It is free to enter although it does get incredibly busy around school holidays and at weekends. Still it is a photography favourite in London. One of the best things as well is that in the winter it provides a beautiful backdrop to an ice skating rink.

Getting here

The closest tube station for the Natural History Museum is South Kensington on the District, Piccadilly and Circle lines. It is about a 5 minute walk to the museum from here.

The London Eye

For us the London Eye is one of the best places to take photos from. Once you are in the glass capsule, you are taken on a 30 minute ride that gives you a bird’s eye view of London. What makes it even more beautiful is that fact that you have the Houses of Parliament right below which again provides some great photo moments.

Getting here

If you are planning on visiting the London Eye then we recommend doing this as part of your trip to Westminster. Get off at Westminster Station and then you can walk across Westminster Bridge all the way to the London Eye.

An itinerary for finding the most Instagrammable places in London

If you are visiting London and you are hoping to visit all the above sights you probably want to spend around 3 days in the city. Here is a sample itinerary to get you to the most Instagrammable places in London.

Day 1

Start at Westminster and get your photos of Big Ben, Houses of Parliament and the London Eye. Cross back over the bridge back towards the station and get your classic London phone box shot with Big Ben in the background. Then make your way to St James Park for a late morning stroll and Instagram shoot.

In the afternoon head to Peggy Porshen Cakes and then get a train from Victoria Station to Nunhead Cemetery. You probably want to spend about an hour or so here exploring.

Day 2

Start the morning in Camden exploring the quirky streets, before heading to Warren Mews. Get the tube to St Pauls Cathedral in the late morning, before visiting Leadenhall Market, and St Dunstan in the East. Then head to Tower Bridge for some photographs.

In the late afternoon head to Covent Garden to Milk Train for some Ice Cream, and then Neals Yard. Finally, before it gets dark head to Piccadilly Circus.

Day 3

In the morning head to Chelsea to catch a glimpse of those Instagram worthy colourful houses. Then head to the Natural History Museum. I know it isn’t on our list but we do recommend exploring Hyde Park afterwards before heading to the Churchill Arms to put your feet up. You have earned that pint my friends!

Oh and if you want to know the best and worst time to visit London here is a helpful guide. 

Or if you are trying to decide between London or Amsterdam or London and Manchester here are some handy guides. 

Best Instagram spots in London – A recap

Hopefully this guide has helped you narrow down some of the most Instagrammable places in London. We recommend using these as a starting point and just walk around and explore the city. It really is one of those places that just feels like everywhere you turn, you have to take a picture. If you want more London inspiration we also have an article dedicated to everything London is famous for

Trying to decide between London and Dublin – here is a helpful guide.

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  1. Some great suggestions here! I’m from the UK and visit London whenever I’m home, but you kind of take it all for granted 🙂 I’m going to follow your tips next time and bag me some Instaworthy shots! Cheers.

  2. Just been to London twice in a row. I can recognise some of these places and I have pics from these spots. But I also discovered many new places. You take awesome photos, by the way. I just said to myself, after coming home from the last trip, that I won’t be going to London for some time. Yet after seeing these photos, I miss it already!

    1. Thank you for your kind words. There are definitely so many beautiful places to take photos in London. Even I feel like I need to go back as this post only scratches the surface!

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